v18n1 (April, 2024)


    ISSN: 1834-6057

    Instructions for Authors

    Shima uses APA referencing style.

    Articles should normally be between 4,000–8,000 words in length (although longer articles may be accepted for reviewing and/or publication if the editors perceive that the subject material merits extended analysis). In addition to standard articles, Shima publishes debates articles, feature reviews, research notes and more personalised ‘island reflection’ pieces (of between 2,500–4,000 words) and photo essays. Authors wishing to submit such material are advised to discuss this with the editor in advance of submission.

    All manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form in Word format in B5 page set-up (with text width at 12.5cm).

    Bibliography/Reference Management systems

    If you are using a bibliography/reference management system or would like to start managing your references in this way, you can find the APA 7th edition citation style used by Shima in the style repositories of your preferred management system. While Citavi and Endnote require paid subscriptions (which are sometimes provided by university libraries to academic staff), the ZOTERO system is free for metadata cloud storage of up to 300MB. Also, Zotero offers interesting features for capturing metadata directly from digital library catalogues and publishers’ websites. The general advantage of working with such management systems rather than manual references and bibliographies is that missing data or typos can easily be corrected via the database entries and that switching between different citation styles merely requires a few clicks.

    APA as a commonly used citation style is normally part of any new ZOTERO installation, but if you cannot find it, you may install the required CSL file manually.

    Link to the APA CSL file in ZOTERO’s style repository: https://www.zotero.org/styles?q=id%3Aapa This guide explains how to add a new style to your ZOTERO instance: https://guides.zsr.wfu.edu/zotero/styles

    You may also want to watch the following video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTZnBrI9v_8


    • All articles should be accompanied by an abstract of 150-175 words.


    • All abstracts should be followed by a maximum of five key words/terms.


    • All articles should be accompanied by a map (or maps) showing the location of all significant places named in the text. Maps should follow cartography standards and include a caption/legend (with all symbols and lines appearing on the map), a scale, an orientation and a location inset. Maps should be submitted apart from the manuscript in either of the following formats .jpg, .tif, .eps, preferably in black & white or grayscale. Authors are responsible for arranging permission to reproduce previously published maps. (For further information/queries, please contact Philip Hayward phayward21c@gmail.com)

    Photographs and/or diagrams

    Photographs and/or diagrams may be used, provided authors obtain permission to reproduce any previously published material.

    House style specifications

    • Use footnotes instead of endnotes.
    • Leave line breaks after every paragraph.
    • Do not indent any lines.
    • Explain all abbreviations and foreign language terms.
    • Use double inverted commas “…” for direct quotations and singles ‘…’ for figures of speech (etc.)
    • Put all quotes of over 30 words in italics and separate from preceding line with a line break.
    • Use round brackets (…) rather than square […]
    • All journal, book, film, TV program, DVD and/or album titles should be in italics, all journal article, poem, play, novel and/or artwork titles should be in single inverted commas.


    Final copy for downloadable pages is set in Constantia — but articles are accepted in any standard font and copy is especially appreciated in the following format:

    Subtitle in 12 upper & lower case
    Subheaders in 10 upper and lower case
    Main text in 9 upper and lower case
    Endnotes in 8 upper and lower case
    Bibliography in 9 upper and lower case
    Prospective contributors are welcome to discuss ideas for article submissions and/or theme issues with the editors prior to submission. (Philip Hayward phayward21c@gmail.com)