

The Prince of the Abrolhos, 2020-2023: On Micronations and Pseudolaw in Western Australia

Vicente Bicudo de Castro and Harry Hobbs

This article examines the Houtman Abrolhos Micro Nation, established by Kristin MacDonald, a Western Australian man, in 2020. The article draws on media reports and documents prepared by the ‘prince’ in support of his legal claims. Notwithstanding a curious attempt to draw support from the neighbouring micronation of New Westralia, MacDonald’s claims were quickly dismissed by the Geraldton Magistrates Court in 2023, and the micronation has ceased to operate. Nevertheless, its brief existence demonstrates the continuing allure of micronationalism and pseudolaw for some individuals who have allowed what they perceive to be a personal injustice to take on a political dimension.

Houtman Abrolhos IslandsUncle Margie IslandMicronationsPseudolawNew Westralia